Local Election 2014 – Ballina

Seats 8 Quota 1,813
Ballot paper order * denotes outgoing Councillor

Clarke, Peter – Non Party 528 (3.24%)
+ 0 + 2 = 530
Eliminated after 3rd count

Cruise, Neil – Fine Gael 848 (5.20%)
+ 6 + 17 + 11 +122 +249 + 5 + 0 + 16 + 70 + 62 + 94 + 10 = 1,510
Elected after 13th count without reaching the quota

Ginty, Gerry – Non Party 935 (5.73%)
+3 + 10 + 207 +4 + 10 + 121 + 5 + 45 + 396 + 110 = 1,846
Elected after 11th count

Lavelle, Enda – Non Party 980 (6.01%)
+ 3 + 79 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 100 + 54 = 1,244
Eliminated after 10th count

Loftus Michael – Fianna Fail 1,037 (6.36%)
+ 0 + 61 + 7 + 4 + 28 + 49 + 1 + 185 + 60 + 668 = 2,100
Elected after 11th count

Maloney, Jimmy* – Fianna Fail 682 (4.18%)
+ 3 + 2 + 1 +21 = 709
Eliminated after 5th count

Mellett, Joe* – Fine Gael 585 (3.59%)
+24 + 2 + 2 = 613
Eliminated after 4th count

Moore, Eamonn – Fianna Fail 901 (5.52%)
+ 0 + 86 + 12 + 2 + 17 + 25 + 0 = 1,043
Eliminated after 8th count

Munnelly, Jarleth * – Fine Gael 1,042 (6.39%)
+ 1 + 79 + 5 +33 + 6 + 30 + 3 + 366 + 269 = 1,846
Elected after 10th count

O Hara, John – Fine Gael 1,612 (9.88%)
+ 2 + 58 + 40 +29 + 5 + 100 = 1,846
Elected after 7th count

O Malley, Johnny – Fianna Fail 798 (4.89%)
+ 1 + 9 + 41 + 2 + 21 =872
Eliminated after 6th count

Peyton, Martin – Non Party 111 (0.68%)
Eliminated after 1st count

Reape, Annie Mai – Fianna Fail 1,256 (7.70%)
+ 4 + 3 + 51 + 16 + 69 + 253 +10 +160 = 1,822
Elected after 9th count

Sheahan, John – Sinn Fein 1,026 (6.29%)
+ 33 + 3 + 34 +122 + 48 +12 + 0 +36 + 41 + 38 + 47 +13 = 1,453
Not elected

Smyth, Michael – Fianna Fail 1,069 (6.55%)
+18 + 4 + 2 + 204 + 113 + 6 + 0 +18 +16 +30 +41 + 2 = 1,523
Elected after 13th count without reaching the quota

Staunton, Padraic – Fine Gael 486 (2.98%)
+ 0 = 486
Eliminated after 2nd count

Weir Seamus – Non Party 1,589 (9.74%)
+ 2 + 40 + 2 + 90 +50 + 5 = 1,817
Elected after 7th count

Winters, Mark – Fine Gael 830 (5.09%)
+ 0 + 28 + 51 + 5 + 5 + 162 + 7 + 23 = 1,111
Eliminated after 9th count

Count 2 Distribution of Peyton vote of 111
Count 3 Distribution of Staunton vote of 486
Count 4 Distribution of Clarke vote of 530
Count 5 Distribution of Mellett vote of 613
Count 6 Distribution of Maloney votes 709
Count 7 Distribution of O Malley vote of 872
Count 8 Distribution of O Hara surplus of 33
Count 9 Distribution of Moore vote of 1,043
Count 10 Distribution of Winters vote of 1,111
Count 11 Distribution of Lavelle vote of 1,244
Count 12 Distribution of Loftus surplus of 287
Count 13 Distribution of Ginty surplus of 33