Local Election 2019 – Belmullet

Seats : 3Electorate : 11,554Poll : 7,200
Spoiled : 123Valid Poll : 7,077Quota : 1,770

Elected : (Order of election)
Coyle, Gerry (Fine Gael)
Mc Namara, Paul (Fianna Fail)
Carey, Sean (Fianna Fail)

Click here for party summary

Full result – Ballot paper order

Carey, Sean – Fianna Fail 1,604 (22.66%)
+ 144 = 1,738 Elected following the 2nd count without reaching the quota

Coyle, Gerry – Fine Gael 1,806 (25.52%)
Elected 1st count

Grealis, Breege – Fine Gael 655 (9.62%)
Eliminated 2nd count

Heneghan, Jay – Independant 224 (3.17%)
Eliminated 2nd count

Mc Namamra, Paul – Fianna Fail 1,696 (23.96%)
+399 = 2,099 Elected 2nd count

Whelan, Teresa – Sinn Fein 1,092 (15.43%)
+35 = 1,127 Not elected

2nd : Distribution of Grealis Breege (FG) and Heneghan Jay (IND) vote. Total distribution of 879