Local Election 2019 – Westport

Seats : 4Electorate : 13,589 Poll : 8,603
Spoiled : 137 Valid Poll : 8,466Quota : 1,694

Elected : (Order of election)
Hyland, Christy (Independent)
Flynn, Peter (Fine Gael)
Mulroy, Brendan (Fianna Fail)
O Malley, John Jono (Fine Gael)

Click here for party summary

Full result – Ballot paper order

Fitzgerald, Shane – Independent 115 (1.36%)
Eliminated after 1st count

Flynn, Peter – Fine Gael 1,250 (14.76%)
+24 + 73 + 60 + 112 + 496 = 2015 Elected on 6th count

Hyland, Christy – Independent 1,442 (17.03%
+33 + 40 + 72 + 124 = 1,711 Elected on 5th count

Maxwell, Chris – Fianna Fail 899 (10.62%)
+19 + 13 + 26 + 362 + 77 + 56 = 1,452 Not elected

Mc Alonan, Frank – Independent 82 (0.97%)
Eliminated after 1st count

Mc Gee, Darragh – Independent 530 (6.26%)
+16 + 43 = 589 Eliminated after 3rd count

Mc Guire, Teresa – Fine Gael 803 (9.48%)
+13 + 59 + 52 + 109 =1,036 Eliminated after 5th count

Mulroy, Brendan – Fianna Fail 1,191 (14.07%)
+12 + 27 + 146 + 27 + 169 + 114 = 1,686
Elected after 7th count without reaching the quota

Nayiga, Cissy – Green Party 365 (4.31%)
+11 = 376 Eliminated after 3rd count

O Malley, Austin Francis – Fine Gael 830 (9.80%)
+25 + 18 + 15 = 888 Eliminated after 4th count

O Malley, John (Jono) – Independent 959 (11.33%)
+ 24 + 32 + 138 + 85 +150 + 132 = 1,520
Elected after 7th count without reaching the quota

Count 2 Distribution of Fitzgerald, Shane and Mc Alonan, Frank
total of 197 votes
Count 3 Distribution of Naygia, Cissy 376 votes
Count 4 Distribution of Mc Gee, Darragh 589 votes
Count 5 Distribution of O Malley, Austin Francis 888 votes
Count 6 Distribution of Mc Guire, Teresa 1,036 votes
Count 7 Distribution of Flynn surplus of 302 votes